Holy Festival Box Event in Free Fire | Free Fire Holy Festival Box Event

 Holy Festival Box Event in Free Fire | Free Fire Holy Festival Box Event:-

The Holy Festival is just around the corner and Garena is bringing a new event in Free Fire to celebrate the occasion. The event starts on March 12, where players will be rewarded for opening the Colour Box. The rewards include 10000 Diamonds, Rainbow Dino Bundle, Bhangra Emote, Rainbow Dash Car Skin, Rockie Pet, Rockie Pet Skin, Rockie Pet Emote, Bag Skin, Parachute Skin & many more.

Event Details:

Duration - 12-29 March.

Here are the Prizes of the Colour Box Event:-

1st Prize - 10,000 Diamonds.

2nd Prize - Rainbow Dino Bundle.

3rd Prize - Bhangra Dance Emote.

4th Prize - Rainbow Dash Car Skin.

5th Prize - Rockie Pet.

6th Prize - Party Rockie Pet Skin.

7th prize - Rockie Pet Show Off Emote

8th Prize - Painted Omen Backpack Skin.

9th Prize - Spirit of War Parachute Skin.

Consolation Prizes - Cube Fragment, Diamond Royal Voucher, Weapon Royal Voucher, Gold Royal Voucher, Universal Fragment, Pet Food, Bounty Token, Scan.

How to open Colour Box:-

Step 1: Open Free Fire Game, go to the main menu that you can find on the left side.

Step 2: Click on the Store option & then click on the normal tab & then you will find the Colour Box.

Step 3: Open Holy Festival Special Colour Box to get the rewards. 1 Colour Box opening Cost is 25 Diamonds.

Good Luck friends for the 1st Prize 10,000 Diamonds.

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