All Characters in Free Fire | Free Fire All Characters

 All Characters in Free Fire | Free Fire All Characters:-

1. A124.

Max Level Skills Quick convert 50 HP, CD 60 seconds. 
2. Alok.

Max Level Skills - Creates a 5 miter aura that increases ally movement speed by 15% and restores 5 HP/sec for 10 sec. Cannot be stacked. 

3. Alvaro.

Max Level Skills - Explosive weapon damage increases by 16%, damage range increases by 10%.

4. Andrew. 

Max Level Skills - Vest durability loss decreased by 12%.

5. Antonio. 

Max Level Skills - Receive 35 extra HP when the round starts.

6. Caroline.

Max Level Skills - When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by 8%.

7. Chrono.

Max Level Skills - Creates a force field that blocks 600 damages from enemies. One can fire at outside foes from within force field. Movement speed increases by 30% during skill activation, allies within the force field get 15% increases in movement speed. All effects last for 9 seconds. Cool Down 40 second.

8. Clu.

Max Level Skills - Locate positions of enemies within 50 meter who are not in prone or squat position. Lasts for 7 seconds Cool Down 50 seconds. At level 4, enemy positions are shared with teammates.

9. Dasha.

Max Level Skills - Reduce damage taken from falls by 50%. 
Reduce recovery time from falls by 80%.
Reduce the rate of recoil buildup by 10%.
Reduce maximum recoil by 10%.

10. Ford. 

Max Level Skills - Reduce damage when outside safe zone by 24%. 

11. Hayato.  

Max Level Skills - With every 10% decrease in maximum HP. Armor penetration increases by 9.5%.

12. Jai.

Max Level Skills - After knocking down an opponent, the gun's magazine automatically gets reloaded by 45% of its capacity (limited to AR, Pistol, SMG, SG)

13. Joseph.

Max Level Skills - Moving and Sprinting speed increase by 20% upon taking damage.

14. Jota.

Max Level Skills - SMG or Shotgun kills will instantly restore 40 HP, cool down 5 seconds.

15. K Character.

Max Level Skills - Max EP increases by 50. Jiu-jitsu Mode: Allies within 6 meters get 500% increases in EP conversion rate. Psychology Mode: Recover 2 EP every 2 Sec, up to 150 EP. Mode switch CD: 3 Sec. 

16. Kapella. 

Max Level Skills - Increase effects of healing items by 20% and  healing skills by 10%. Reduce ally HP loss when downed by 30%. Effects do not stack.  

17. Kelly. 

Max level Skills - Sprinting speed increase by 6%. 

18. Kla.

Max Level Skills - Fist damage increased 400%.

19. Laura.

Max Level Skills - Accuracy increased by 30 while scoped in.

20. Luqueta.

Max Level Skills - Every kill increases the max HP by 18, up to 35.

21. Maxim.

Max Level Skills - Eating and using medkits faster by 12%.

22. Miguel. 

Max Level Skills - Gain 80 EP for each kill.

23. Misha.

Max Level Skills - Driving speed increased by 12%, damage taken while in a vehicle decreased by 30%.

24. Moco.

Max Level Skills - Tag enemies shot for 5 seconds. Info will be shared with teammates.

25. Nikita.

Max Level Skills - Submachine gun reloads faster by 24%.

26. Notora.

Max Level Skills - When driving a vehicle, restore HP of all members on the vehicle by 5 HP every 2 seconds. Effects do not stack.

27. Nulla.

Nulla has no skills.

28. Olivia. 

Max Level Skills - Revived players will be revived with extra 40 HP.

29. Paloma.

Max Level Skills - 180 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.

30. Primis.

Primis has no skills.

31. Rafael.

Max Level Skills - Gunshots hidden on the map for 8 seconds, Cool Down 40 seconds.

32. Shani.

Max Level Skills - Restore 20 armor durability after every kill. Extra durability can upgrade your armor, up to level 3.

33. Shirou.

Max Level Skills - When a user is hit by the enemy from within 80 meters, said the attacker is marked for 6 seconds ( marking only visible to the user). First shot on marked enemies has 100% additional armor penetration, Cool Down 20 seconds.

34. Skyler. 

Max Level Skills - Unleashes a sonic wave forward, damaging 5 Gloo Walls within 100 meters, cool down 40 seconds. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in increasing HP recovery beginning from 9 points. Recovery effects do not stack.

35. Steffie.

Max Level Skills - Creates a graffiti that reduces explosive damage by 25% and bullet damage by 5% for 10 seconds. Cool Down 45 seconds.

36. Wolfrahh.

Max Level Skills - With every additional observer or kill: Damage taken from headshots decreases by 5%, up to 30%. Damage to enemies' limbs increases by 5%, up to 20%. 

37. Wukong.

Max Level Skills - Camouflage's Cool Down is 200 seconds. Can only be used while Standing.

So friends, who is your favorite Character? Leave a comment below. 

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