All Pets in Free Fire | Free Fire All Pets

 All Pets in Free Fire | Free Fire All pets:-

Garena has added a bunch of pets in Free Fire that players can equip. These pets can then go with players as they play their game.  When players level up their pets, the ability improves along with them. Besides that leveling, your pet up also unlocks new skins for the pet. So as per the player's requirement, they can equip any pet.

1. Beaston.

Max Level Skill: Throwing distance of Grenade Gloo Wall, Flashbang, and Smoke Grenade increased by 30%.

2. Detective Panda.

Max level Skill: Restore 10 HP upon kill.

3. Dreki.

Max level Skill: The owner is able to spot 4 opponents who are using medkits within a 30-meter range, which lasts for 5 seconds.

4. Falco.

Max Level Skill: 45% increase in gliding speed upon skydive. 50%  increase in diving speed after the parachute opens. (applies to the entire team)

5. Kitty.

There is no skill of Kitty.

6. Mechanical Pup.

There is no skill of Mechanical Pup.

7. Mr. Wagger.

Max Level Skill: When a player has less than 2 Gloo Wall grenades, Mr. Wagger can produce 1 Gloo Wall grenade every 100 seconds.

8. Night Panther.

Max Level Skill: Increase 45 inventory space.

9. Ottero.

Max Level Skill: When using Treatment Gun or Med Kit, the receiver will also recover some EP. The amount of EP recovered is 65% of HP recovered.

10. Poring.

Max Level Skill: Increases 1 helmet and armor durability every 1 second. Prevents up to level 3 helmet and armor from being destroyed.

11. Robo.

Max Level Skill: Adds a shield to the Gloo wall, providing an additional 100 HP.

12. Rockie.

Max level Skill: Cooldown time of equipped active skill decreases by 15%.

13. Shiba.

Max Level Skill: Mark one of the surrounding mushrooms on the map every 120 seconds. The mark lasts for 30 seconds.

14. Spirit Fox.

Max Level Skill: Restore an extra 10 HP when using a health pack.

So Friends, who are is your favorite Pet? Leave a comment below.

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